PC Zone 89
PC Zone #089.7z
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You've got to be light-fingered and cunning to get through Thief. Doing what comes naturally:
Keith Pullin
Due to the sheer size of Thief, and the open nature of some of the levels, it's impossible to
specify a particular route; there are many avenues to take, so choose the one you prefer.
What this walkthrough can provide is a guide to collecting the important items in the game -
whether you're playing on the normal, hard or expert setting. We're going to start off at
Cragscleft Prison, as the training and Lord Bafford's Mansion are basically warm-up missions
and you really shouldn't have any difficulty with them. Right, let's get thieving...
Cragscleft Prison
Swim in, hang a right at the corpse, and take the lift to the top tunnels. Stumble through these
and make your way up to the factory via another lift. Sneak along the balcony that goes
around the edge of the machine rooms, go down the stairway at the end, and take the stairs
opposite to reach the prison. Go to cell block 4 where Cutty is being held. Listen to his woeful
tale... Change of objectives.
Go over to cell block 1. Locate Issyt's remains. One of his hands is the Hand of Glory, which
you need to take. Head up the stairs to the barracks; at the top is a large open room with a
patrolling guard. Wait for him to amble past, take the corridor to the right and climb the stairs
to the officers' quarters. Sneak through until you see a guard with a key on his belt. Grab it,
go back to the office, and find Felix's notes.
To escape, return to the third level of the mines. A switch opens a metal grate, which is your
Down in the Bonehoard
Traipse through the upper vaults for a while; eventually a ladder leads down into some
Burrick caves. Arrows have been scraped onto the walls here - head in the opposite direction
to which they point. Don't shoot any of the zombies (you need your water arrows later), and
keep exploring until you find a room with magic balls shooting around the perimeter. Dodge
these and head into some more Burrick caves. Venture north into the Quintus family vault.
Climb to the top of this vast tomb to find the Horn of Quintus.
Go back to the main vault area and into a large room with magic balls shooting from one wall
to the other. Jump from ledge to ledge, dodging magic as you head down to the bottom. Use
water arrows to snuff out the torches in the guardians' room, then sneak through into the next
room. Go slowly, hug the wall, and the skeleton won't find you. Open the blue chest to find
the Mystic's Heart. Now for the Mystic's Soul.
Find the dark area back in the vaults, and light the torches with fire arrows. A well, and some
zombies appear; quickly jump down the well and swim until you surface. If you can get past
the various traps in this area, you are rewarded with the Mystic's Soul. You can now head
back to the surface.
Follow the assassins through the streets. Ignore everybody else - they're not interested in
you. When you reach Ramirez' mansion (which takes approximately five minutes) go back to
the shop where you first started and take everything. Go back to the mansion, and sneak
past the entrance guards when they saunter off. Take the right passage into the outer
courtyard, and go through the first door you reach. Work your way across the ramparts onto a
small roof. Move onto the balcony and pick the lock to enter the library. From now on
quicksave before you unlock any door, so that if you set off the alarms you can reload.
Search the mansion for loot (there's plenty around) and head down into the basement. When
you find Ramirez, sneak up behind him and steal the pouch from his belt.
Go back the way you came and jump off the balcony into the moat below. Let the current
carry you out. Return to 'Home Turf', which is just past the shop.
The Sword
Use a rope arrow to reach the balcony and break in. Head through the doorway to your right
and shimmy down the ladder. Open the door into the main hallway, turn left, left again, and
climb the stairs. Jump over the gap to the right corridor. Be wary of patrols, and stay
crouched (you're less likely to trigger traps). Open all doors with caution - many are booby-
trapped. When you come to the first set of double doors on the right, open them and head
down. A guard wanders by carrying a key you need - nick it. Go back up the stairs, unlock
the next door on the right with your new key, and move up to the top floor.
Jump through the weird 'space' room, blackjack a few guards and, finally, floating in mid-air is
Constantine's sword. Fire a rope into the ceiling, jump onto it, and slide down Mission
Impossible-style to grab it. Search his bedroom for incriminating evidence. Leave the same
way you entered.
The Haunted Cathedral
You begin in the south-west corner of the map. Generally speaking you just explore the area
looking for valuables while avoiding the zombies and Burricks. One of the buildings has a
hole in the floor, where there's a freaky looking monster with pincers. Jump down, avoid the
monster, and keep going through the Burrick caves in an easterly direction. After emerging,
sneak east to the cathedral. Climb the ledge at the rear to receive some new objectives from
'The Eye'.
Return in the direction you came until you reach the spider. Cross the bridge to the left -
welcome to the keeper's grotto. Jump across the water onto the pedestal. Relight the torches
around the statue to open a panel in the wall and go through it. After a while there's a door:
load nearby rubble onto the right pedestal to open it. Stand on the left pedestal, and rush
through the gap when the grate opens. Watch out for the crushing wall at the end of the next
corridor. And that's that.
The Lost City
Use the key on the underwater plaque. Swim down the tunnel using breath potions. When
you reach the caves, walk down the path, avoiding any spiders. Jump over the waterfall to
the other side. Follow the tunnels until they open up onto the roof of a large building. Drop
down the hole, go out through a window, and follow this route until you reach the city.
Avoid patrolling Burricks by jumping from one roof to another until you find a balcony with an
opening. Go in here to reach the town square, and be ready to use water arrows on the fire
elementals. Keep going until you reach a large obelisk with what looks like scales of justice
carved into the stone. Enter the building here. Follow this path to another obelisk. Walk past
the mausoleums, jumping over lava until you get to a ruined encampment. Take the
medallion near the decapitated skeleton. Now enter the nearby crypt.
Walk down the stairs, swing across the gap at the bottom using a rope arrow, and then
advance in a crouch to avoid traps. Enter the last door on the left before the stairs. Take the
lever. Head back to the main chamber and down the stairs: the Talisman of Water is here.
Exit the building.
Now head west to find the Talisman of Fire. En route there is a machine. Insert the lever into
a nearby slot to extend a bridge over some lava. Keep going to find the elemental tower.
Walk up as far as you can, climb out of the window, and edge around the ledge of the
building. Fire a rope up to an overhang. Climb through the window and lo and behold: the
Talisman of Fire. Make your way back to the waterfall to finish the level. Phew.
Show your credentials, go into the entrance hall and take the door opposite. Hang a right
where the guards are talking about torture, and get the wallbuilder's scroll from the table. Go
down the stairs. Turn right, right again, and go to first door on the right. Quickly gas the guard
and steal the Hammer and his key. This is the master key for every lock in the temple.
You must now flip five hidden switches hidden around the temple. One is in the old kitchen,
another in the inquisitor's torture chamber, the third in the garden, the fourth in the graveyard,
and the fifth in the reliquary. When you flip the final switch a sound chimes to say you've
done it. Go back down the main staircase and to the stairs that lead down to the basement,
take the passage to the side and follow it around to the talisman chamber.
Walk across the bridge and enter the cell on the left. Flip the switch here to open the grate
leading to the talismans. Use the wallbuilder's scroll, grab the talismans, and run for it. Turn
right when you get to the entrance hall. Go onto the balcony and jump over the wall onto the
low roof below. Drop down to the streets, and the mission ends.
Return to the Cathedral
Use the four talismans on the busts to enter. Take the left door, and keep heading left where
you can. In the room with the fountain, open the door on the opposite side you came in from.
Sprint past the ghost, through the door, and up the stairs to the very top. Open the right-hand
door, and walk out across the beam. Follow the beams until you reach a locked door. You
can go in here to get some new fire arrows, or drop straight down onto the platform below.
Pick the door's lock, enter the room, and walk out onto the balcony to see The Eye. Spring
across to the Hammer pedestal and pilfer The Eye. Now drop to the bottom floor.
Check out the map, and go to the garden to meet Casp... Sorry, Murus the friendly ghost.
He's got some tasks for you. Take the first door on the right to hear more. Your first job is to
go to St Yora's for his rosary. When you have it, go back to Murus, who now wants a holy
symbol. Go to St Tenner's and use the machinery to make one, but don't forget to bless it in
the lunar pool in St Jenel's. Return to the broken staircase outside St Yora's and speak with
Finally, take the cemetery key from the blue chest in the room with a single zombie
wandering around. Go to Murus's grave in the cemetery. After putting his soul to rest he gives
you the key to the armoury in the cathedral. With the explosive device from there, you can
blow open the main entrance doors, and slip into the night...
Grab your stuff from behind the altar. Sneak through this green section grabbing gas arrows
where you can. You need to find a large open area dominated by a tree. Use a rope arrow to
get up to the platform and go through the opening into the tree itself to find Constantine's
journal. This suggests, among other things, that he could actually be the Trickster... Better
get the hell out then!
Carefully head upwards, extinguishing torches as you go - you never know when you might
need some shadow. You'll have to walk across a metal floor, but providing you've wiped out
the roaming Ratmen, you should be okay. Watch out for the exploding frog by the front door.
The mission ends when you can breathe fresh air.
Strange Bedfellows
Tiptoe through the temple avoiding the spiders, etc. Enter the chapel and descend the ladder
at the rear of the altar. Keep heading left until you find the dead Hammer with flies around
him. Take the next passage on the right. Dash forward until you see a flame and go down the
stairs. At the bottom of the stairs you emerge into a large circular area. Go through the
opposite exit, which leads to a ramp heading down to a couple of arrow shrines. Cross the
walkway into another couple of abstract arrow shrines. Now go down a long spiral staircase
to find a quaking Hammer guard who offers you a key and a map.
To find the priest, return to the top of the circular room. Retrace your steps all the way up to
the locked door at the top and use your new key to open it. Walk through the opening and
turn left. Move stealthily to avoid the Ratmen and Bugbeasts. Glide to the end of this corridor,
extinguishing torches as you go. After the ramp down, take the exit on the left. Traverse a
few rooms containing Ratmen until you reach the priest. Sneak up close to him and gas the
'rats'. Pick him up and exit through the other door. Go left up the ramp to arrive at the docks.
Dump the priest on the boat, hit the switch, and float to safety.
Into the Maw of Chaos
On the first section simply run like the clappers past all the monsters - eventually you end up
in a relatively normal room. Take the first left, then drop down onto a small ledge, which is
also on your left. Follow this around until you reach some deadly blue crystals and some
highly slippery ice. Slide down the slope, dodging the crystals while picking up any water
arrows you can.
Douse the fire elementals in the next room; keep going to enter a room with a blue pedestal
and a waterfall. Jump into the waterfall and it carries you up instead of down. This is an odd
little section. Follow the underwater tunnels until you see a little gap on the left. Edge into this
to regain your breath. Once done, continue down the underwater tunnel until you see the blue
pedestal beneath you. Drop directly into it.
This takes you to a huge tree. Climb up the inside, walk across the sparkling bridge and
traverse the lava caves. When you see the portal, eliminate the guards with gas, and shoot
arrows at each of the glowing pillars. Look at the papyrus in your inventory for exact
instructions. This closes the portal.
Climb the vines to reach Constantine (or the Trickster, if you prefer). When he starts walking
to a pedestal that is turned away from you, swap The Eye for the fake. Use moss to cover
your footfalls if necessary. And that's it - now sit back and watch...